Whole Blanched Pistachios

Reference: 10301090
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Whole Blanched Pistachios - 250g
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These green pistachio kernels have been shelled and blanched.

After opening, place in an airtight container and store in a dark, cool room.

  • Origin: Iran
  • Ingrédients : 100% pistachios. May contain traces of other dried fruits and nuts.
  • Net weight: 250g
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Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g :
Energie Kcal 620
Energie kJ 2582
Matières grasses 48g
dont acides gras saturés 6g
Glucides 19g
Sucres 7,7g
Protéines 18g
Sel >0,01g

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Customer reviews
Whole Blanched Pistachios - 250g
Tres belles et fraiches pistaches, ideales pour confectionner de la pate de pistache !
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patrick2200 27 October 2021 Verified purchase