Pavoflex Non-Stick Silicone Mould Savarin
72 cavities
60 x 40cm

Reference: px044
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Pavoflex Non-Stick Silicone Mould Savarin - 72 cavities - 60 x 40cm - Pavoni
Pavoflex Non-Stick Silicone Mould Savarin - 72 cavities - 60 x 40cm - Pavoni
Pavoflex Non-Stick Silicone Mould Savarin - 72 cavities - 60 x 40cm - Pavoni
Pavoflex Non-Stick Silicone Mould Savarin - 72 cavities - 60 x 40cm - Pavoni
Available on order. Supply time 2 to 3 weeks + shipping
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100% Silicone Platinum

Discover the "Mignon" mold that allows you to create 72 mini savarins.

Pavoflex is a range of food-grade silicone molds (platinum 100% silicone).

With its elegant and timeless shapes, it is ideal for both sweet and savory creations, and supports freezing from -40°C to +250°C. It ensures even and consistent cooking.

This mold allows for easy and quick demolding without any sticking. All preparations, even complex ones, can be easily achieved thanks to its flexible structure and non-stick properties.

With this mold, achieve clean, smudge-free results. Quick cleaning with hot water, a degreasing agent, and a non-abrasive sponge.

  • Number of cavities: 72
  • Cavity dimensions: 6 x 2.4 x ht 2.3 cm
  • Cavity volume: 25 ml
  • Plate dimensions: 60 x 40 cm
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